Reaching the Communities
TLC Outreach Projects is a registered non-profit organisation located in Table View, Cape Town. TLC, founded in 1996, is a community-based project with the goals of saving and changing children’s lives every day. TLC deals with children that have been abused in various ways, physically, sexually, emotionally and that have lived on the streets of Cape Town.. Today, Netgen Custom Software, is proudly supporting the works of TLC Outreach Projects by hosting their software on our servers.
What do TLC Outreach Projects do?
TLC Outreach Projects run projects to educate and assist kids who have been abused or living on the streets. The field workers go out to various children affiliated programs and track attendance. This is done manually and by hand. This gets tallied and sent to the social worker. There are many field workers linked to the project and there are times where paper work goes missing or social workers not able to read the hand writing. At the end of each month, every document is gathered, and the total attendance is tallied.
This figures report is an asset to TLC. It helps them gather funding and gain a statistical overview of how well each program is doing over the course of the year. The current process, however, leads to many inconsistencies and inaccuracies. Field workers may tally up attendance incorrectly or handwriting leaves it up to the social worker to try interpret. The time spent writing and compiling these documents could also be spent on more important tasks.
Why do TLC Outreach Projects need Custom Software?
Keegan, one of our developers, developed software to assist the field workers by capturing the attendance on the system. They can now login to the system, type in how many people attended an event and the system will tally up everything for them. This attendance is used to generate reports, which is incredibly important to TLC Outreach Projects, because that is how they get funded
How can you help?
If you feel that you would like to volunteer your services to the projects that the TLC Outreach Projects run, you can find them on Facebook at TLC Outreach Projects for more information.
How can we help you?
Do you have a project that needs assistance? Our custom software development services offer consulting, delivery expertise and custom tool development in order to improve business efficiency and reduce costs. Contact us.