Netgen’s project management system

Netgen’s new project management software

Project management is one of the most important aspects of the work we do for our clients. Without a proper system in place, it’s impossible to get the job done right. This is why we’ve decided to build our own project management software that will fit exactly what we need it to do. At Netgen, we’re always talking about how custom software is better because it can be built to suit your needs – so we took our own advice.

Chief Technical Officer for Netgen, Matthew Vreenegoor, tells a bit more about why this software and why now:

“We’ve tried many of the commercial project management systems available and found nothing that really caters to what we need. Most focus on single projects with dedicated teams, which makes it impossible for us to track multiple projects at both a resource and project level.

We’ve also tried a few ticketing systems, but none are integrated with a project management system. We have the same problem with tickets on a project management system – there isn’t really a means to track at a ticketing and project level. That’s why we concluded that we had to build something that allows us to track projects, tickets/monthly support, and resources all in one solution.”

Project management software features

One of the great things about developing our own project management software is that we can add in all of the features that we really need, and really want. For example:

  • Dashboard overviews – There are several dashboard options for this software. We can see everything at a company level, then dive into client level, project level, ticket level and even resource level.
  • Resource logging – It’s so important to track time spent on a project, and this software allows each member of our team to log their hours. We can also keep an eye on the hours clearly, allowing us to better schedule resources for various tasks.
  • Ticketing – Ensuring that clients can log support tickets is a vital part of the way we operate. In this new system, tickets can be logged on a standalone component that has been developed or integrated into the project management component of the system.

“As work on our new project management software comes to a close, we’re excited about how this solution will streamline our processes and enhance our ability to deliver exceptional results for our clients. This is more than just a tool, it’s the foundation for the next level of growth and efficiency at Netgen,” says Vreenegoor.Another great feature is that the software will have a full system whitelabel feature, meaning that you, our clients, can make use of the solution in your own businesses. Contact us to find out more.

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