It can be a daunting task, working out where to even begin creating a custom software solution for your business. This is why we developed a full-proof software development cycle that can be applied to any situation. It’s all about asking the right questions and following the proper process.
1. Planning
This is where you spend the most time and effort as the client. Several meetings should be set up in order to discuss your initial requirements, run through the concept for the software, and get any extra information the developer might need.
2. Analysis
The next step is for a business analyst to come in and really look at what it is that your company needs. They may need to talk to all of the different departments that will use the software that is created in order to understand their individual needs. They will also look at your existing business processes so that they can better understand how the company operates.
3. Design
At this phase, the business analyst and the developer get together to look at all of the information gathered. They will take the data and spec out your software using the technology available and their expertise in coding.
The design for the custom software is then presented to you, the client. Once both parties are happy that the software will meet your specific requirements, it’s time to get going with the actual development.
4. Implementation
This is the fun part for our developers. They get to build the software from scratch and bring the design concept to life piece by piece.
5. Testing
Once the development is complete, it’s time to test. No software development team is complete without at least one dedicated tester. This person will go through the programme with a fine-tooth comb, checking for any flaws, redundancies, holes or snags. It’s a back and fore process between the tester, developer and the business analyst to ensure that all bases are covered.
6. Integration
Finally, you are presented with your software programme. The developer will take you through each element and train up your employees to ensure that your company really gets the most out of the software. The solution will then be integrated into your network and any other systems that you have in place.
Go the custom software route
With this development cycle, we’ve managed to guide clients big and small through the process of creating custom software for their businesses. It’s a feat that we’re incredibly proud of at Netgen. Contact us today to see how we can help your company.