Database driven web applications
A database driven web application is a type of software application that uses a database to store and manage information, allowing dynamic content to be displayed and interacted with in the front end. These applications are essential for websites and systems that need to handle large volumes of data, such as ecommerce platforms, content management systems, or customer relationship management tools. These applications ensure that users are always presented with accurate and up-to-date information. Unlike static websites where content remains fixed unless manually updated, database driven web applications use a back-end database to serve up-to-date information based on user interactions, resulting in a far more flexible and responsive user experience.
Essentially, a database driven web application connects a front-end interface, which users interact with, to a back-end database that stores information. This interaction happens through queries that retrieve or update the data, depending on user actions like submitting a form, logging in, or searching for products. For instance, an online retailer’s inventory, prices and user accounts are managed in a database, with the web application dynamically adjusting to display relevant information for each user.
Why use a database driven web application?
Real world examples of dynamic websites
Contact the experts in custom solutions
Netgen specialises in creating database driven web applications